Computer Science Notes

COMS 261 - Fall 2024

Jump to: Syllabus, Week 1 , Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10, Week 11, Week 12, Week 13, Week 14, Week 15

Week 1 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Aug 26 TP01, C2 Introduction to Python & Thonny
Wed, Aug 28 TP02 Variables & functions
Thu, Aug 29 TP02 Statements versus expressions
Fri, Aug 30 C2.6 Binary & floating-point numbers

Mon, Aug 26

Today we introduced Python and the Thonny IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

We learned how to use the Python Shell and how to write Python scripts. We also covered the following:

We talked about how operators follow an order of operations, and if operators have the same level of precedence, then they are computed left to right. We also talked about how some operators don’t work for all types. For example, the + operator concatenates strings, but the * operator is not defined for strings.

We finished by writing a script to calculate the volume of a sphere.

# A script to calculate the volume of a sphere.

PI = 3.14159 

radius = 4

volume = 4 / 3 * PI * radius ** 3

print("The volume of the sphere is:", volume)

Wed, Aug 28

We talked about which variable names are allowed. Some words cannot be used as a variable names because they are special Python keywords. There are currently 35 keywords in Python 3.10 (which is the version we are using), and we’ll cover most of them in this course. Other rules for naming variables include:

It is recommended to only use lower case letters only in most variable names (except when you want to indicate that the variable is constant and won’t ever change, in which case ALL_CAPS is recommended). If a variable name has multiple words, then separate the words with an underscore character, like: surface_area.

We also introduced some new functions including input(), and the type conversion functions int(), float(), and str().

  1. Write a script that prompts the user to input a radius. Then calculate and print both the surface area and volume of a sphere.

We finished by talking about how to import functions from modules. We imported the math module which contains functions familiar math functions like sin(), cos(), and sqrt(). You can use the command dir(math) to list all of functions in the math module.

  1. How could you tell if the sine and cosine function expect the input in degrees or radians? Test your idea in the shell and see what the default is.

  2. What happens if you type math.sin without an input?

  3. What happens if you enter help(math.sin)?

  4. What does the degrees() function do?

  5. Write a program to calculate the roots of a quadratic polynomial ax2+bx+ca x^2 + bx + c using the quadratic formula x=b±b24ac2a.x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}.

Thu, Aug 29

Today we talked about some of the errors that came up in the quadratic formula programs from yesterday. There are three categories of errors in Python.

Types of Errors

Keep in mind that syntax refers to the structure and grammar of a program, while semantics refers to its meaning. Computers are very picky about syntax, but they are completely oblivious to semantics.

Statements versus Expressions

The first error we looked at was this incorrect line of code:

(x1 = (-b + math.sqrt(b ** 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a))

To explain this error, we talked about the difference between statements and expressions in Python.

Every expression is a statement, but not vice versa. In Python, every valid line of code is a statement.

# Example statements
import math
a = 5.0
b = 3 + a

# Example expressions
(-b + math.sqrt(b ** 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)

Notice that statements can include expressions. A special kind of statement is an assignment statement where you assign a value to a variable. Every assignment statement has the form:

variable_name = # some expression

You can always wrap an expression in parentheses, and it will still be an expression with the same value. But, the reason the line of code (x1 = (-b + math.sqrt(b ** 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)) is not correct is that an assignment statement is not an expression, and cannot be wrapped in parentheses.

Function Return Values

Some functions return values and some functions don’t. For example, math.sqrt(4) returns the value 2.0, so it can be used as an expression. But the function print("Hello") does not return a value. The input() function returns a string with whatever input the user types. So you can use an assignment statement like

a = input("Enter a value for the coefficient a. ")

to prompt the user to input a number for a. Be careful, the value that you get will be a string. You have convert it to a number using the int() or float() functions before you can use it in a formula.

Fri, Aug 30

Today we talked about binary numbers and how Python stores integers and floating point numbers under the hood. We started by talking about how to convert base-2 numbers to base-10. We did the following examples.

  1. Convert (110)2(110)_2 to base-10.

  2. Convert (1111)2(1111)_2 to base-10.

  3. Convert (10101)2(10101)_2 to base-10.

  4. Convert (10.11)2(10.11)_2 to base-10.

After that we talked about how to convert base-10 integers to base-2. That is a little bit harder, so we introduced the algorithm below which can be described using a flow chart:

  1. Use the algorithm above to convert 35 to base-2.

  2. Use the algorithm above to convert 13 to base-2.

After we introduced binary numbers, we talked about bits and how many integers can be stored using nn bits. One example is that the maximum number of rupees (money) you could have in the original Zelda game was 255 because the data was stored using 8 bits. Unlike a lot of progamming languages, Python allows arbitrarily large integers. This avoids integer overflow errors, but it can be slower for large integers.

We also talked about how computers store floating point numbers. Most modern programming languages (including Python) store floating point numbers using the IEEE 754 standard.

In the IEEE 754 standard, a 64-bit floating point number has the form x=(1)s*(1.a1a2a52)2*2e1023x = (-1)^s * (1.a_1 a_2 \ldots a_{52})_2 * 2^{e - 1023} where

  1. Compare the output you get when you type 2**1024 versus 2.0**1024 in the Python shell.

  2. Compare the output for 2.0**(-1024) versus 2**(-1070). Notice that you lose precision with small floating point numbers, but you don’t get an error the way you do with large floats.

  3. Why do you get an incorrect answer when you enter 0.1+0.1+0.1?

Week 2 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Sep 2 Labor Day, no class
Wed, Sep 4 TP03 Functions
Thu, Sep 5 TP03 For-loops
Fri, Sep 6 TP04 Turtle graphics

Wed, Sep 4

To create your own functions in Python, use the def keyword to define them:

def hello():

Every function is a function object. So function is a type just like int, float, and str. When you refer to a function object in Python, there is a difference between the name of the function (which is hello in the previous example) and the way you call the function to get it to run by typing hello(). Here is another function example.

def print_twice(string): # The first line is called the **header**
    print(string) # All of the other lines are called the **body of the function**
    print(string) # Notice that all of the lines of the body must be indented

This function has a parameter which is the variable called string in the parentheses. We you call this function, you need to include an argument which is a value for the parameter.

>>> print_twice("Hello")
>>> print_twice(5)

In this example, “Hello” and 5 are arguments. The variable called string in the function is a parameter. Weirdly, when we pass the argument 5 to the function, then the parameter called string stores the value 5 which is an integer not a string! But that is okay, because Python knows how to print integers.

Functions can have as many parameters as needed. Try to make your own functions to do the following.

  1. Define a function called sum_of_squares that adds up the squares of two numbers.

  2. Define a function called sphere_volume that calculates the volume of a sphere.

When you create a function, you should always include a docstring that briefly explains what the functions does. A docstring is a comment that is written using triple quotes instead of the hash symbol. Here is an example.

def circle_area(radius):
    """Returns the area of a circle."""
    PI = 3.14159
    return PI * radius ** 2

The advantage of a docstring over a regular comment is that it can take up multiple lines. Python style guides recommend using docstrings even for one line descriptions of functions, since you might need to add more explanation later.

This last example includes a local variable called PI. Any variable created in a function body is local, which means it can only be used inside the function. You won’t have access to local variables outside the function. Variables defined in a program that aren’t parameters or defined in the body of a function are global an can be accessed anywhere in a program.

We finished with a function that calls another function in its body:

def cylinder_volume(radius, height):
    """Returns the volume of a cylinder."""
    return circle_area(radius) * height

Thu, Sep 5

Today we introduced for-loops. We started with two example functions to demonstrate how they work.

def box(n):
    """Prints an n-by-n square made of * symbols."""
    for i in range(n):
        print("*" * i)

def print_numbers(n):
    """Print the first n positive numbers."""
    for i in range(1,n+1):

Notice that the range function can accept up to three arguments (start, stop, and step). We talked about how Python is **zero-indexed**. For therangefunction, this means that be default it starts counting at zero, so it always stops before the value of thestop` parameter. We did these exercises.

  1. Write a function to print the first n perfect squares (i.e., 1, 4, 9, 16, etc.)

  2. Write a function to print a triangle with n rows like this:

  3. Write a function to print an upside down triangle with n rows:

  4. Write a function to print a hollow n-by-n square, like this example when n is 4:

     *  *
     *  *

We finished by talking about accumulator variables in loops. I showed this example.

def sum_of_squares(n):
    """Returns the sum of the first n perfect squares."""
    total = 0 # total is an accumulator variable
    for i in range(1,n+1):
        total += i ** 2
    return total
  1. Write a function that uses a for-loop with an accumulator variable to multiply the numbers 1, 2, …, n. In other words, write a function to compute the factorial of n. 

Fri, Sep 6

Today we played with turtle graphics using the turtle module in Python. We started by creating a turtle object we called fred and then using fred to draw a square. We ended up creating several functions using fred to draw different kinds of shapes.

import turtle

fred = turtle.Turtle()

def polygon(side_length, n):
    """Draw a polygon with n sides."""
    for i in range(n):
        fred.left(360 / n)

def circle(radius):
    """Draw a circle."""
    side_length = 2 * 3.14159 * radius / 50
    polygon(side_length, 50)

We finished with some excercises using these funtions.

  1. Draw a picture like this one.
  1. Write a function to draw a bullseye with n rings, like this:

Week 3 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Sep 9 TP05 Conditional statements
Wed, Sep 11 TP05 Boolean expressions
Thu, Sep 12
Fri, Sep 13

Mon, Sep 9

Today we talked about how to implement conditional statements using the keywords if, then, and else in Python. We started with some simple examples.

  1. Body mass index is a quantity used to determine if people are a healthy weight or overweight. The formula for someone’s body mass index is

    BMI = (weight / height**2) * 703

Anyone with a BMI of 25 or more is considered overweight. Write a program to calculate someone’s BMI and then use an if-then statement to determine if they are overweight.

  1. If someone’s BMI is less than 18.5, they are considered underweight. Write a function called weight_category(height, weight) that returns one of three possible strings: healthy, underweight, or overweight, depending on the corresponding BMI.

  2. Adapt the program to add a fourth category: obese which is anyone with a BMI greater than or equal to 30.

In order to use an if-statement, we need a special kind of expression that is either true or false. These are called boolean expressions. Python has a special type called bool that has only two possible values, True or False.

  1. Write a function that checks if someone typed in the correct password (banana7). Your function should return a boolean value.

So far we have introduced the following boolean operators (==, <, >, <=, and >=). Another important boolean operator is != which is True when two expressions are not equal and False if they are equal.

Another really handy operator is the keyword in which can test whether one string is inside another.

  1. Which of the following strings are inside "The quick brown fox"?

    1. "quick"
    2. "Fox"
    3. "Tqbf"
    4. "brown fox"
    5. "he qu"

Wed, Sep 11

There was no class since I was out with COVID. I recommended watching part of one of the Harvard CS50 with Python online lectures for more about conditionals and boolean expressions.

Thu, Sep 12

I sent out some tips and questions to think about when working on project 2:

Week 4 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Sep 16 TP05 Integer division and modulus
Wed, Sep 18 C11 While-loops
Thu, Sep 19 C11 While-loops con’d
Fri, Sep 20 TP05 Recursion

Mon, Sep 16

Today we talked about the integer division operator // and the remainder or modulo operator % in Python. We used them to do these exercises:

  1. Today is Monday, Sep 16. What day of the week will Oct 16th be (without looking at a calendar)? What about Nov 16?

  2. Write a program to convert any number of minutes into hours and minutes. For example, 100 minutes is 1 hour and 40 minutes. We used this example to introduce f-strings to help print the answer.

def time_conversion(minutes): 
    hours = minutes // 60
    minutes = minutes % 60
    print(f"There are {hours} hours and {minutes} minutes.")
  1. Improve the program to convert minutes into days, hours, and minutes. For example, 1590 minutes should be 1 day, 2 hours, and 30 minutes.

  2. Write a program to make change using the fewest coins possible for any amount of money less than $1.00. For example, 63¢ could be 2 quarters, 1 dime, and 3 pennies.

Wed, Sep 18

Today we introduced while-loops. A while-loop is an alternative to a for-loop that is often useful when you don’t know how many steps you need to repeat. We did the following examples.

  1. Use a while loop to find and print all Fibonacci numbers less than nn.

  2. Write a while loop to repeat a string until the total length is more than nn.

  3. Change the following function so that it uses a while-loop instead of a for-loop:

    def countdown(n):
        """Count down from an integer n, printing each number.  When you get to zero, print 'Go!'"""
        for i in range(n, 0, -1):
     def countdown(n):
         """Count down from an integer n, printing each number.  When you get to zero, print 'Go!'"""
         while n > 0:
             n -= 1
  4. Write a function called get_valid_input() that prompts the user to enter an positive even integer. If the user doesn’t enter a positive even integer, have the program prompt the user again until they enter a valid input.

Thu, Sep 19

Today we talked about while-loops again. We started with this example, which improves on the get_valid_input() function from yesterday and also introduces the idea of a while True loop.

def get_valid_input():
    while True:
        n = int(input("Enter a positive even number: "))
        if n > 0 and n % 2 == 0:
            return n
            print("That isn't a positive even number.  Try again.")
user_input = get_valid_input()
print("You entered", user_input)

After that we implemented the Babylonian algorithm for finding square roots.

def sqrt(a, accuracy = 10 ** (-12)):
    """Uses the Babylonian algorithm to find the square root of a"""
    x = a
    while abs(x**2 - a) > accuracy:
        x = (x + a/x) / 2
    return x

When we wrote this example, we talked about why you should not use == or != on floating point numbers. We also introduced the idea of default parameters.

Fri, Sep 20

Today we did some more practice with while-loops.

  1. Write a function that uses a while-loop to print all of the numbers from 1 to 100.

  2. Write a while-loop to play a number guessing game. Use the random.randint(1,10) function by importing the random library to generate a random integer from 1 to 10. Then have the user guess the number until they get it right.

After that, we talked about recursive functions which are functions that call themselves. You can use recursive functions to repeat code in much the same way as loops. We did the following examples.

  1. Write a recursive version of the countdown(n) function.

    def countdown(n):
        """Prints the numbers from n down to 1, then prints 'Go!'"""
        n -= 1
        if n > 0:
  2. Re-write the number guessing game using a recursive function instead of a while-loop.

  3. Challenge. Write a recursive function to print the Fibonacci numbers less than nn.

Week 5 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Sep 23 TP06 Recursion with return values
Wed, Sep 25 docs Sequence types
Thu, Sep 26 C10.1 Lists
Fri, Sep 27 TP09 Lists

Mon, Sep 23

We looked at some more examples of recursive functions.

  1. Write a function to recursively find the n-th Fibonacci number.

  2. Write a function to recursively print all Fibonacci numbers less than mm.

  3. Write a factorial(n) function.

We also talked about input validation and we introduced the isinstance(obj, type) function.

# We used this conditional in class
if not isinstance(n, int):
    print("n is not an integer.")

# Here is an alternative that also works
if type(n) != int:
    print("n is not an integer.")

Wed, Sep 25

Today we did more practice with loops and recursion. We reviewed how to find the prime factorization of any integer greater than 1. We spent the class on these exercises.

  1. What are the prime factors of 836?

  2. Write a program to print the prime factors of any integer greater than 1.

After that, we talked about lists in Python. Lists are a type the can store more than one value. We introduced how to define a list using square brackets (including an empty list) and how to create a new list by adding two lists together. We finished with these exercises.

  1. Re-write your prime factors program so that it returns a list of prime factors instead of printing them.

  2. Write a function that prompts a user to enter a list of integers. After each integer the user enters, ask them if they are done or not. Have them enter an upper or lowercase letter Y if the answer is yes. Once the user is done, the function should return the list.

Thu, Sep 26

We talked about some of the similarities between lists and strings. They are both sequence types. So they both have a length which you can find using the len function. You can access individual elements in any sequence type by using their index which is their position in the sequence. The first element has index 0 and the last has index equal to the length minus one.

  1. Write a function that prints every other character in a string.

  2. Write a function called is_integer_string(s) that returns true if s is a string with only the digits 0 through 9 as characters.

  3. Write a function called even_elements(numbers) that (i) counts the number of even integers in a list and (ii) finds the index of the first even integer. Have the function print a sentence with both results.

def even_elements(numbers):
    # You'll need two accumulator variables for this function. 
    # One to count the even elements, and
    # another to save the index of the first even element when you find it.

Fri, Sep 27

If you don’t care about the indices, then there is an even easier way to loop through every element of the sequence. You can use the following syntax:

example_list = [2,4,6,7,11,14,20]
for n in example_list:

Use this new style of for-loop to (re)write some of the functions we talked about last time.

  1. Write an even_elements(numbers) function like the one from yesterday using this style of loop. It would be a good idea to use 1-1 as the index of the first even number if there aren’t any.

  2. Re-write the is_integer_string(s) function using this style of list. To make this one more interesting, we first created a function called is_digit_char(c) that returns True if and only if c is a length 1 string that consists of one of the ten digits 0 though 9.

  3. Write a function any_divisors(n, divs) that accepts an integer n and a list of nonzero integers divs, and returns true if any of the elements of divs are a divisor of n.

Week 6 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Sep 30 TP08 Strings
Wed, Oct 2 Review
Thu, Oct 3
Fri, Oct 4 Midterm 1

Mon, Sep 30

We started talking about slices of strings and lists. We also talked about methods and in particular the .index() method and the .count() method. Every sequence type has these two methods.

  1. How would you slice the string s = "The quick brown fox" to get the word "quick"?

  2. Write a function that counts how often each vowel (a, e, i, o, u) occurs in a string and prints the results. It helps to use the .lower() method for strings which returns a new string that is all lower case. This let us talk about method chaining when you call methods like this: x.method1().method2().

  3. Write a function called split_at(s, char) that splits a string into a list with two strings. The part before the first occurrence of char and the part after the first occurrence. Then re-write this function to split the string at every occurrence of char and return a list of all sub-strings.

    def split_at(s, char):
        """Returns a list of the substrings of s that are separated by char."""
        output = []
        while char in s:
            location = s.index(char)
            front = s[0:location]
            output += [front]
            s = s[location+1:] 
        return output + [s] # Notice that the last substring in s 
                            # will have to be added at the end.

Wed, Oct 2

Today we talked about how to trace a program with paper and pencil including a stack diagram for recursive functions. We started with the recursive function from problem 11 on the practice midterm. Then we did these other examples.

  1. Make a table to trace the values of the variables in this loop.

    n = 1
    for i in range(5):
        a = n * i
        n = n + a
  2. Make a stack diagram to trace this recursive function.

    def result(n):
        if n == 1:
            return 2
            return 2 * result(n - 1)
  3. Make a stack diagram to trace this recursive function.

    def f(k, n):
        if k == n:
            return k
        elif k < n:
            return f(k, n - k)
            return f(k - n, n)

We also talked about how to work with nested lists, including this example:

students = [
    ["Charlie", 8], 
    ["Lucy", 9], 
    ["Linus", 7], 
    ["Sally": 6]

total = 0
count = len(students)
for i in range(count):
    total += students[i][1]
print("The average age of the students is ", total / count)

Week 7 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Oct 7 C10.3 Mutability and immutability
Wed, Oct 9 TP07.2 Reading files
Thu, Oct 10 TP07.2 Reading files
Fri, Oct 11 Common patterns in loops (map, filter, reduce)

Mon, Oct 7

Today we talked about a major difference between lists and strings. Lists are mutable but strings are immutable. A type in Python is immutable if you can change anything about the value without completely creating a new instance. A type is mutable if you can modify parts of it without completely replacing it. This is one of the trickier things to understand.

# You can change an element in a list but not in a string:
example_list[1] = 'B' # now example_list is [1,'B',True]
example_string[1] = 'I' # this is an error.  Strings a are immutable.  

There are several methods that work for mutable sequence types like lists, but not for immutable sequences like strings. These include the .append() method which adds an element to the end of a list, the .pop() method which removes and element from the end of a list (and returns its value), and the .sort() method which changes a list by putting its elements in sorted order.

# Strings are immutable
s = "You can't touch this!"

"""When you create the string "You can't touch this!", it is frozen in computer mememory.  
You can reassign the variable s, but that doesn't change the string, it just makes s
point to a different object in memory. 

# Lists are mutable.  Changes made to a list will be remembered by the computer.  
a = [1,2,3]

"""Because of the way lists are stored in memory, two variables can refer to the same list
object.  If you make changes to one variable, that will affect the other variable too!  
This only happens with mutable types, so watch out for it.  
b = a
print(a) # Weird!!!

Try these experiments to get a feeling for how this works.

  1. Let a = [1,2,3] and b = a + [4]. Does that change a?

  2. What about a = [1,2,3] and b = a followed by b += [4]? Does that change a?

  3. Let x = "test" and y = x followed by y += "s". Does that change x?

Note that adding two lists creates a new list, but the += operator does not! We finished with a cautionary example about the need to avoid unintended side-effects when working with mutable types:

def average(numbers): 
    n = len(numbers)
    total = 0
    for i in range(n):
        total += numbers.pop()
    return total / n

data = [4, 5, 6]

mean = average(data)
print("The average of", data, "is", mean)

Observe that the way we got the numbers to add to the total had the side effect of erasing the data which isn’t what we wanted at all!

Wed, Oct 9

Today we talked about how to read the contents of a text file. We talked about Python file objects which are what you get when you use the open() function to access the contents of text file. File objects come with several useful methods for getting the contents of a file, including:

We did the following exercises using a word list contained in this text file: words.txt.

  1. Write a function to find the longest word in the word list.
file = open("words.txt")
word_list = file.readlines()

def longest_word(word_list):
  biggest_so_far = ""
  for word in word_list:
      if len(word) > len(biggest_so_far):
          biggest_so_far = word
  return biggest_so_far
  1. Write a function count_words(word_list, start_letter) to count how many words begin with a given letter.

  2. Write a function get_words(word_list, start_letter) to return a list of all words that begin with a given letter.

It turns out if you write the function get_words first, then you can use it to easily write the count_words function without repeating any code by combining get_words with the len function.

We also looked at the text file grades.txt which contains comma separated values.

Thu, Oct 10

The grades for 26 students are stored in a text file grades.txt. Suppose that the final grade in the class is 20% homework, 30% midterms, and 50% final exam. We worked on a program to find the final grade for each student in the class.

We broke the program into three functions:

  1. A function weighted_average(numbers, weights) that can calculate the weighted average of any list of numbers using any list of weights.

  2. A function get_student_data(line) that converts a line from the text file into a list with a students name followed by their three grades. You can use the string method .split(",") to separate a string into a list of the substrings that were separated by commas.

  3. A function final_grades(lines) that computes and prints the final grades for all of the students.

Here is a version of the final program.

file = open("grades.txt")
lines = file.readlines()

def weighted_average(numbers, weights):
    total = 0
    for i in range(len(numbers)):
        total += numbers[i] * weights[i]
    return total

def get_student_data(line):
    data = line.split(",")
    for i in range(1, len(data)):
        data[i] = int(data[i]) # Convert each grade from a str to an int.
        """This is different than what we did in class. Here we are mutating the
        entries of the data in place, but that is okay because we don't care about
        the local data variable after the function returns."""
    return data

def print_final_grades(lines):
    for line in lines[1:]:
        data = get_student_data(line)
        grades = data[1:]
        final_grade = weighted_average(grades, [0.2, 0.3, 0.5])
        print(f"{data[0]} got a final grade of {final_grade}")

Fri, Oct 11

We’ve spent the last two weeks talking about sequence types, and we’ve seen a lot of examples where we needed to loop through the elements of the sequence with an accumulator variable to accomplish a goal. These goals often fall into one of three patterns:

  1. Reducing the sequence to a single number or value like a sum or maximum.
  1. Mapping the sequence to create a new sequence where every element is replaced using some function.

  2. Filtering which is when we create a new sequence that only contains elements that meet a certain criterion.

The main differences between these patterns are the type of the accumulator variable and what function or expression you use to help perform the accumulation.

Pattern Accumulator Variable Helper Function/Expression
Map New list or sequence How you want to transform each element
Filter New list or sequence Boolean function or expression to decide which elements to include
Reduce Usually a bool, int, or float How you want to combine each element with the accumulator variable

We did the following examples.

  1. In Python, there are built in functions len, max, min, and sum to perform many common reduce patterns. One that is not built in is the prod function which multiplies elements in a sequence of numbers. Write a prod(numbers) function.

  2. Write a function that converts floating point numbers to strings in percent form. For example 0.5 should become "50%". Then map the following list of floats to a list of percentage strings. data = [0.4, 0.7, 1.1, 0.01, 0.97]

  3. Write a function called get_firstname that returns the first name of any one full name. Then use that function to map this list to a list of first names.

fullnames = [
    "Alice Adams",
    "Bob Brown",
    "Charlie Clark",
    "Daisy Davis",
    "Edward Evans",
    "Fiona Foster",
    "George Green",
    "Hannah Hill",
    "Isaac Ives",
    "Jessica Johnson",
    "Kevin King",
    "Lily Lewis",
    "Michael Miller",
    "Nora Nelson",
    "Oliver Owens",
    "Patricia Parker",
    "Quinn Quinn",
    "Rachel Roberts",
    "Samuel Smith",
    "Tina Taylor",
    "Ulysses Underwood",
    "Vanessa Vincent",
    "William Wilson",
    "Xavier Xander",
    "Yolanda Young",
    "Zachary Zimmerman"
  1. Filter the list of names above to get a new list long_names that are longer than 10 letters.

Week 8 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Oct 14 Fall break, no class
Wed, Oct 16 List comprehensions
Thu, Oct 17
Fri, Oct 18

Wed, Oct 16

Today we practiced some more examples of mapping, filtering, and reducing lists and other sequence types using loops.

  1. Write a function reverse(s) that reverses a string. For example, "Hello!" becomes "!olleH".

  2. Write a function is_palindrome(s) to check if a string is a palindrome (i.e., spelled the same foreward and backwards, like "yay"). Then use that function to find all of the palindromes in the file words.txt. Hint, you will need to remove the \n newline character after you read the lines of the file. You can do this with the .strip() method which removes any whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines) from the beginning and end of strings.

We also talked about list comprehensions which are a way to create a new list by applying a map and/or filter pattern to a sequence, all in one line. A list comprehension has the form:

[expression for variable in sequence]

As an option, you can also include a boolean condition that must be satisfied in order for the expressions to be included in the list.

[expression for variable in sequence if boolean_expression]

Here are some examples:

# Generate a list of all perfect squares from 0 to 100
perfect_squares = [n ** 2 for n in range(11)]

# Generate a list of the odd perfect squares.
odd_perfect_squares = [n ** 2 for n in range(11) if n % 2 == 1]

Week 9 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Oct 21
Wed, Oct 23
Thu, Oct 24
Fri, Oct 25

Week 10 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Oct 28
Wed, Oct 30
Thu, Oct 31
Fri, Nov 1

Week 11 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Nov 4
Wed, Nov 6
Thu, Nov 7
Fri, Nov 8

Week 12 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Nov 11
Wed, Nov 13
Thu, Nov 14
Fri, Nov 15

Week 13 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Nov 18
Wed, Nov 20 Review
Thu, Nov 21 Midterm 2
Fri, Nov 22

Week 14 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Nov 25
Wed, Nov 27 Thanksgiving break, no class
Fri, Nov 29 Thanksgiving break, no class

Week 15 Notes

Tentative Schedule

Day Section Topic
Mon, Dec 2
Wed, Dec 4
Thu, Dec 5
Fri, Dec 6
Mon, Dec 9